Why this Hypocrisy

Lots of films, documentaries, & debates have used this word time and time again. But the question is what is hypocrisy ?

When people worship or consider other person ( mostly so called saints ) god or any sort of incarnation of God then it’s hypocrisy. Now many will argue its fair to consider someone great. Wait ? let’s get deep into it.

So many literate people follow specific saints some are ‘dharmaguru’ while some are so called teacher of ‘art of living’. Infact people are so blinded by these saints teachings that they have started worshiping them. Well as an indipendent citizen we all have right to follow or worship anyone. But one should remember that no one is pure & as good as they think.

And in past we have all witnessed that how these saints take undue advantages of people’s inmotions ( I need not to mention such Buster’s name here as we all know with them ) Thanks to indian media 😉

That’s why I’m calling this hypocrisy. as a human being I have always tried my best to be a kind, honest, loyal and disciplined. It was not easy for me to achieve these qualities especially in this fake society. Where everyone is pretending to be nice Persona.

For achieving these qualities I didn’t follow any hypocrat saints But I red books many books from Gandhis biography to wings of fire to swami Vivekananda’s & many more. And after reading and understanding their thoughts I finally begun to realise that we need not to follow anyone in order to live happy life but we really need to learn the things which matters like Kindness, Love, ahimsa, peace, & respect.

I have always followed one person & he is none other than gandhiji & his teachings. He always used to say that “My life is my lesson” & I love this.

So to sum up my thoughts in one line is don’t be a victim of hypocrisy but be real & aware with your own selves. Choose your path wisely not because everyone is running on that.🙊🙉🙈

Self Love

If you are not enough for yourself, you can not be enough for someone else.

By my own(payal Sharma)

Don’t let your inner voice fade because of the noise of others opinion.
You aren’t perfect and you should be proud of that. Your flaws are your own and they are unique in their own way and that is what makes you disparate from others.

People will come and go. The only one who remains is you. So, love yourself first. Stop thinking about how people will judge you because it isn’t your business.
Don’t let people define who you are. Let your manoeuvre be strong enough to expound you.

Life has its ups and downs. But what’s important is that nothing is permanent. What is now , will not be tomorrow. Don’t become your own enemy. Pat yourself on the back , even in the most difficult situation.

Success isn’t something that will be handed to you on a silver platter. You will have to work for it, fight back for it. That might cost you a lot but at the end you will be proud to yourself of not giving up right in the beginning.

Believe in your why!

today we have thousands of options in almost everything be it shopping, career or relationships. But do we choose them wisely. Do we ask ourselves why we want that career, why we want that relationship probably not. the bottom line is we do not give a second to sit and think about these important decisions of our life. but why we do so? because we do not believe in our why. And when we do not believe in our why we start believing in someone else’s why. You might have heard this from student that he is choosing particular career because all his friends are going there or he might have been influenced by his family. Similarly we purchase product of a particular brand because someone has already used it & found good. But here I’m specifically talking about students who are being influenced by thoughts of others. And eventually become there stooge. Others be it teacher or a friend they tell you what they believe but here one should believe in his vision. And it’s pretty simple all you have to do is ask yourself why I want that career, why I want that product, why I want that relationship. Once you start questioning and believing in your why you will stop believing in someone else’s why. it’s as simple as that but sometimes simple things bother the most & leave purplexd.

Real women empowerment

From sister to daughter , mother to wife women have played every role with so much grace and dignity even though they always have to fight for there worth. Why so? Well in this male dominating world it is no obvious that women are always underestimated and blamed for their choices, decisions and for many other things. But fortunately the debate of women empowerment has finally begun with flying colors but is this something we were expecting? Off course not the real empowerment is to let the girl child come in this world, let her grow, let her make mistakes, let her free to take decisions, let her dream, let her feel free to do what she wants. The Real empowerment will be when women will not be taught that they are born for merry, they are born to give birth, they have the responsibility of two families. Not only society but women themselves have to decide how they can set examples for other women. And they also have to tell this male dominating world that we do not dream of prince charming but we are our own heroes.Only then we will celebrate the real women empowerment.                        Happy women’s day.❤️ Let me know what you think about this blog. Leave your feedback in the comment section. Stay tuned for my next blog. Thank you! 🙂